We perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the eyes and associated areas of the brain. MRI of the eye sockets allows visualizing the features of the structure of the eye sockets and oculomotor muscles, as well as identifying the presence or absence of pathological processes in the socket.
We perform MRI of the eye sockets using one of the most powerful devices, Siemens 3T. It allows making partitions with a thickness of 2 mm in all projections.
We perform MRI of the eye sockets according to our protocol for children with strabismus and nystagmus. We can determine all parameters related to the socket and location of the oculomotor muscles in relation to the eyeball with an accuracy of 1 mm.
We use the obtained data to determine the patient's management tactics and the type of surgery.
There is no need for any special preparation for the examination.
For children under 6 years of age, we conduct the examination in the state of drug-induced sleep. This eliminates the possibility of obtaining fuzzy images when the child moves during the examination.
We can perform MRI and surgery during a single administration of anesthesia.
Examinations are carried out in the hospital of Meditsina PJSC. The hospital is accredited according to international standards by Joint Commission International, Chicago, USA (VIP hospital), a member of the Swiss Leading Hospitals Association.