Cataract can be cured by means of various drops.
You can’t possibly cure cataract only by various drops.
Operation on cataract takes a long time and demands for stationery admission.
It is a mistake to think that operation on cataract takes a long time and demands for stationery stay. We dismiss patients on the next day after the operation on cataract. Cataract surgery at Yasny Vzor clinics is a rapid, safe and low-trauma procedure.
Our pediatric ophthalmologists diagnose congenital cataract in patients of 1-2 years. We apply medical sleep for such patients to specify the diagnosis and define possible combined eye pathology in the child. Examination of patients in medical sleep also allows us to make the examinations necessary for the next individual selection of intraocular lens to replace the deleted blurry eye-lens.
Parents have to be aware of the fact that cataract can be diagnosed only by ophthalmologist. It is almost impossible to detect this disease domiciliary. Therefore it is very important to visit your pediatric ophthalmologist regularly.
We often detect strabismus in newborn babies that occurs along with congenital cataract.
Cataract in older children is accompanied by a significant reduction of vision acuity – amblyopia (the so called lazy eye). This happens because the retina does not receive information about the outer world through the blurry eye lens. Therefore the eye becomes not trained to look. Unfortunately, we have seen the cases when the congenital cataract in child was treated as amblyopia instead of conduction of a timely surgery.
In patients with cataract the eye-lens becomes blurry and fails to pass light through itself. As a rule the ground for congenital diseases are infectious diseases in mother during the first trimester of pregnancy (rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes).
Acquired cataract can develop along with eyeball trauma, congenital glaucoma, system diseases (Down syndrome, Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, Lowe syndrome, Marfan syndrome, Alport syndrome).
We developed a three-phase treatment system for congenital cataract in children. First phase consists of fine diagnostics, second – surgical deletion of the blurry eye-lens and implantation of an artificial eye-lens, third – conservative treatment with special emphasis on visual acuity improvement.
We especially emphasize the big role of a correct selection of intraocular lens for a child. We simultaneously implant the artificial eye-lens after the deletion of the blurry lens, select special pediatric lenses that rapidly enhance the child’s visual acuity immediately after the operation.
Conservative treatment after the operation plays important role in the improvement of visual acuity and full rehabilitation after the operation. Thanks to our development - BOC-1 - we can achieve remarkable results in the post-operative period even if the vision acuity is very low at the beginning. This development provides for achieving of perfect results after several treatment courses even in case of high-level amblyopia.
If the operation is done in a timely manner and a conservative treatment courses are conducted we can avoid complications and loss of vision acuity in 99% of the cases in children with acquired or congenital cataract.